We represent a number of public entities, including cities, counties, school districts, fire districts, urban renewal agencies, sewer districts, cemetery districts, etc. We have assisted many of these entities in the creation of joint powers agreements, local improvement districts (LID’s), judicial confirmations, and bond elections. In addition to these governmental financing options, we have assisted many governmental entities with regard to employment issues, public records, record retention, benefits, memorandums of understanding (MOU), fiber optic and communication structures, ordinance preparation and passage, zoning and annexation, conditional use permits (CUP), tax levy, procurement of property, real property tax assessments, bidding statute compliance, open meeting law issues, conflicts of interest and ethics in government issues, and a variety of other unique issues facing governmental and quasi-governmental entities.
Because of the unique, and often times, very complex statutory requirements and compliance issues, consultations with one of our attorneys, is a valuable resource to public agencies, cities, municipalities, districts and counties.

Douglas R. Nelson

Scott R. Hall

Weston S. Davis