
Nelson Hall Parry Tucker, PLLC provides extensive experience in Idaho education law in representing school districts, charter schools, and trustees. Our representation regularly includes the following services:

Education Law Hotline

Direct line, twenty-four/seven for educational emergencies.

Litigation Services

Labor and employment disputes; tort claims; Americans with Disability Act claims; disputes under the Rehabilitation Act and the Individual with Disability Education Act; Title 9; and Civil Rights and Constitutional Claims.

Due Process Hearings

Employment suspension and termination; student discipline; grievances; and IDEA audit reviews

District Operations

Review and drafting of policy and procedure manuals; contracts for goods and services; charter school issues; school financing; deposits and investments of school district funds; bonding issues and construction projects; special education services; student suspension; expulsion and due process hearings; employee grievances; certificated employee discipline; non re-employment, termination, and reduction in force (RIF) polices, procedures and issues; personnel files.

Employment Issues

Classified employee grievances; individual contracts of employment; drug and alcohol testing; employment of the disabled; Family Medical Leave Act; free speech by public school employees; re-employment rights of military personnel; sexual harassment issues; suspension and termination of certificated and classified employees.

School Administration, Board and Teacher Training

We regularly speak at seminars and provide in-service training. Recent topics have included:

  • “Open Meeting Requirements and Compliance”
  • “Employee Reference and the Defamation Trap”
  • “Student Surveys and the Right of Privacy”
  • “Contract Negotiation, Impasse, Mediation and Fact Finding”
  • “Labor and Employment Issues in Public Education”
  • “First Amendment and Constitutional Issues”
  • “Student Admission and Expulsion”
  • “Purchase, Procurement and Performance Contracting”
  • “Teacher Contract Renewal and Termination: the role of administration, board and legal counsel”.
  • “Law in the Classroom”

Records Management

FERPA; public records requests; court and administrative subpoenas.


Douglas R. Nelson

Abigail French - Idaho Falls Attorney

Abigail French